Privacy Policy

At Hotel Loewen, we know the importance of privacy and are committed to earning the trust of our guests by adopting high standards for the protection of personal information. Our policy outlines the type of personal information we collect and receive, the circumstances in which we collect or receive personal information, the policies and procedures we have established outlining its use and storage, and for sharing certain types of personal information in certain limited circumstances. This is a similar standard at all Holiday Inn hotels, dependent on local law.

Purpose of collection, process and use of personal data

  • sell and provide hotel accomodation
  • provide all offered services
  • administration of recruiting staff, travel agencies, purchasing, sales
  • client feedbacks
  • video surveillance, only to avoid and solve criminal acts


Use and sharing of your personal data

We only use your personal data for the stated purposes, usually to fulfil our contract or answer your request.

We only collect as much data as we need to provide our services. Any additional information, we are asking for, is voluntarily and non-obligatory. Your personal data is only used for your requested service and for the protection of our legitimate business interest.

Aside from the purposes described above, we do not share your personal information with any other third parties unless we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we believe in good faith that the disclosure is required by law or to protect the safety of hotel guests, employees, the public or Schaefer Hotelbetriebs GmbH. We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process served on our business entity. We may share aggregated demographic and statistical information in the course of our business with certain third parties. This sharing does not include any personal information that can identify any individual person.


Affected people and affiliated data

Fundamentally, the following data is collected, processed and used:

  • Guest data (data of addresses, communications, reservations, requests, invoicing)
  • Client data (data of addresses, communications, contracts, invoicing, services)
  • Prospective customer data (data of requests in rooms, conferencing, addresses, communications)
  • Employee, applicant, retired worker data
  • Agency, middleman data (data of addresses, communications, contracts, invoicing, services)
  • Business partner, supplier, external service enterprise data (data of addresses, communications, contracts, invoicing, services)


Personal data can be shared with

  • Public or legal authorities due to legal obligations
  • Internal departments, which participate in delivering our service (e.g. accounting, human resources, sales, IT)
  • External partners, e.g. credit card companies, travel agencies /contractors when applicable and if agreed by the customer or necessary to provide our service.
  • Partner companies if requested by customer, e.g. to rent a car, book a tour, etc.


Retaining Personal Information

We retain personal information about you for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Statement, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by applicable law. There are many different legal retention periods, e.g. do we have to keep any document concerning the invoicing for 10 years. Registration forms are also kept as required by applicable law.


Security of Your Personal Data

In our efforts to protect your personal data, we use generally accepted standards for safeguards including administrative, technical and physical measures. Additional safeguards are in place for sensitive personal data. These safeguards are continually updated and maintained by qualified information security professionals.

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